10 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Your Business

10 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Your Business

During pre-internet days, advertising was mainly carried out via television, billboards, radio advertisements, door to door advertisement and word of mouth publicity. But with the advent of internet, everything changed. Advertising products or services to millions of people became a cake walk with Digital Marketing. In this blog we are going to share top 10 reasons why digital marketing is important for your business in 2021.

Importance of Digital Marketing in India

Nearly everyone is hooked on to the internet. From studying to shopping to paying bills, everything is done online. The internet’s penetration has reached outstanding numbers. Looking at India, it has the 2nd largest number of internet users in the world.

Indians spend around 1 hour and 29 minutes every day on an average on any given digital platform.

The scope of digital marketing during 2020 and until now in 2021 has seen a drastic growth. With business shifting their focus to online sales and promoting their products and services to target audiences through the use of  various digital channels such as You Tube, Instagram and Facebook, and other digital platforms, it guarantees an enormous outreach.

But not all of the businesses however are keen on going online. Many of them still have some doubts about the benefits of Digital Marketing.

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Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Your Business

Listed below are some of these benefits which could help small business at a local, regional or even international level, depending on the type of business you have.

1. Reach out to millions

One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is that there are no geographical barriers or boundary. Millions of people could see your product with just one click.

2. Achieving More Targeted Customers

The main objective of any business is to advertise so you can reach it to a wide range of people. Not everyone who sees your ad will want to buy your products. Wouldn’t it be nice to show it to those targeted, specific users who are actually interested?

Many social media platforms and search engines keep updating their algorithms to make your ad appear to relevant and targeted audiences.  And with digital marketing especially in the initial stages of your business, it would be like a dream come true.

3. High Conversion Rate

Conversion rate means the percentage of visitors who see your website and what you are offering and end up buying the same.

When you use a PPC (pay-per-click) strategy, that charges a fee for each click your ad receives, it will help you to achieve such objectives. Hence, you can expand your small business through this process, and increase the number of customers and your conversion rate.

4. Affordability

This is another big benefit of digital marketing. With its extensive reach the costs are comparatively affordable and not a burden. As a small business your main intention is to market your product or service with minimal cost in the initial stages but at the same time aim to get higher revenue. With a good digital marketing you will be able to achieve this .In fact, the ROI on digital marketing efforts is considerably higher than traditional marketing. This also allows small-scale businesses to make optimum use of these marketing plans without causing a heavy stress on their budgets.

5. Easy Adaptability

Another major advantage of online marketing is that they are very easy to understand. You can easily understand through the tracking to see if it is giving you the visibility you need. The strategy that is implemented in online marketing gives you results on a real-time basis.

6. Trackable & Measurable results

With platforms like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, you can track the performance of your digital marketing campaigns end-to-end. This will help you decide which options work best for you.

7. Personalization

Personalization or niche marketing is the best thing you can do to enhance the reach of your business. Understanding the consumer’s mind and helping him remember your business by sending out regular emails is the best form of personalized marketing which lets you formally communicate with your customers but with a personalized message. This approach ensures customer loyalty.

8. Staying in touch

Everyone today is interactive and active on social media platforms. DM gives a chance to businesses to post interactive content, engage with their customers and answer their queries. Customers love when brands listen to them and respond to them effectively. e. Thus, with the help of social media management and marketing, you can effectively communicate with potential customers and build your relationship & reputation.

9. Effective tool

For all start-up and small business owners, it may look a bit overwhelming to adopt digital marketing. Small companies have very limited budgets initially to invest in traditional marketing methods.  But online advertising platforms provide an effective tool to stand out, be noticed and create a market and name for themselves.

10. Growth

Recent statistics have shown that Digital Marketing is set to grow even further. By 2023, the number of active Indian internet users will reach almost 666 million. Based on the report of Global Data, the Indian e-commerce market is pushing to 7 trillion rupees by 2023 because of lockdowns. According to Goldman Sachs report, even a scope of career in digital marketing in the Indian market will be worth $160B by 2025, which is three times the current value.

Summary – Why Digital Marketing For Your Business

To sum it up going digital is a win win situation for small business or start ups to invest their time and money with effective strategies, best practices, and adopting the latest technologies, to expand their business and gain a competitive edge by using the powerful tools of Digital Marketing.

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  1. Pingback: Top Digital Marketing Update that affects 2022 - Google Update

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